Thursday, January 14, 2010


Squirrels are adorable. We don’t have them in Australia, and it wasn’t until I first went to England that I saw them bouncing around Hyde Park. This though, is an American squirrel. I was there in early November and think I experienced some unseasonably warmish weather in Washington D.C. I’d spent the day wandering around the monuments of the city, marveling at how they were all free, and soaking up the sun. It was getting later in the afternoon as I strolled along the reflection pool (swallowing the temptation to yell “run Forrest run”) towards the statue of Abraham Lincoln, and then on to the Vietnam War Memorial. It was as I was making my way towards that long black wall, with thousands of names etched into it that I heard some noises in the trees. Sure enough, there was this squirrel, happily gorging itself on the bright red berries. He wasn’t the first squirrel I’d seen on the trip so far, but was extremely endearing.

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